Whole Earth Foundation : The Future of Democratized Infrastructure Management

Whole Earth Foundation : The Future of Democratized Infrastructure Management

In general, infrastructure can be defined as basic structures and facilities, both physical and social, such as building construction, toll roads, and electricity supply, and various kinds of things needed for the operation of community activities or public services.


Infrastructure is all the facilities needed by the general public to support various community activities in daily life. In other words, infrastructure is all facilities, both physical and non-physical, that are built by the government and individuals to meet the basic needs of society in various aspects of social and community life.


The question of how to efficiently manage public goods such as water and air has long been studied in economics. It is generally believed that markets fail to allocate resources for public goods efficiently. The main reason for this stems from the fact that high public activity is not always valued economically and exchanged outside the market. As a result, the general public has no incentive to engage in activities such as providing information on the status of infrastructure to service providers. However, if the activities carried out by the general public can be assessed and linked to them, perhaps, it is possible to manage public goods efficiently (Coase Theorem, 1960).


To solve this problem, the Whole Earth Foundation (WEF) proposes to take advantage of the Whole Earth Access (WEA) platform to generally connect citizens (or information providers) and infrastructure service providers by providing access to databases containing detailed information about their infrastructure, and ecosystem. designed to facilitate


Conserving and Creating Resources

An essential part of implementing the approach is a method to quantify the value of the information provided. For example, if a general citizen provided information that led to the elimination of a water pipe leak, he or she likely succeeded in helping save water that would have otherwise been lost. In other words, making this water now accessible can be considered the equivalent to the act of producing water. Therefore, the value of the information is derived from its ability to conserve and create resources, such as water.


Representation in this manner is a powerful method to conserve resources, maintain infrastructure and realize savings. For example, water that does not reach the consumer from the water supply station due to reasons such as leaks in distribution pipes is usually referred to as “nonrevenue water”. The amount of “non-revenue water” in Japan is equivalent to 1.6 billion USD per year – a significant amount of potential savings. Nonrevenue water is a widespread issue across several countries, including European and other Asian countries. But we can achieve much more if we understand and represent resource savings as the equivalent of resource creation.


When we examine the world broadly, we see a growing issue of aging infrastructure. Unfortunately, service providers governing these infrastructure assets have not always adequately maintained and renewed the facilities they manage.


Imbalanced access to information between service providers and citizens
The lack of general incentive among parties to challenge the status quo


Help the database grow, earn tokens for your contributions
What you earn will fluctuate based on how much you contributed to help improve infrastructure
Become engaged with your community, and collaborate with service providers to build a smarter infrastructure


Whole Earth Access (WEA) comprises the following three key groups:
Information Providers
Information providers (mainly general citizens) can access the environmental database and contribute data to earn utility tokens.
Infrastructure Service Providers
Infrastructure service providers can utilize the environmental database and tools created by third-party developers to improve development projects’ efficiency.
Partners can access the environmental database to develop novel tools that benefit the infrastructure and the environment, help publicize our project and vision to the world, and much more.


WEA platform tools to build and utilize the environmental database

Create reports about the condition of your local infrastructure, sharing the latest information with the community
Use intelligent machine learning applications powered by the environmental database to obtain predictive insight about local infrastructure and make smarter decisions


Reduce maintenance costs and maximize water savings!

Build smarter, more energy-efficient buildings!

and Many More!
We are constantly looking for new and creative ideas. Contact us to get involved!

Preserving and Creating Resources
An important part of implementing this approach is a method for measuring the value of the information provided. We hope you have enjoyed the introduction of our project. For more information and updates on the project, please follow our website. We also regularly provide information on social media



Website: https://wholeearthfoundation.org/

Whitepaper: https://wholeearthfoundation.org/WEF-whitepaper_v1.0.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/WholeEarthFoundation

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WholeEarthFdn

Media: https://medium.com/wholeearthfoundation

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/WholeEarthFoundation/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WholeEarthFoundation



Forum Username: Aleksei Sutormin

Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3157013

Telegram Username: @AlekseiSutormin

ETH Wallet Address: 0xb4825A9836AD8216aF7eAa79316288dE8D5B1404


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